Valikko Sulje


Bioscientists meeting schedule: 22.3.-24.3.2024 in Jyväskylä. The schedule will be more detailed as the event approaches.

The ticket sales in Tickets are limited to 3 ticket/buyer, so you can also buy a ticket for your friend if needed. The price of the ticket is 25 euros.

More detailed info about the events on BiTa’s Instagram.

FRIDAY 22.3.2024

At 17:00-23:00 Bioscientists meeting aka The grand opening of BiTa (Bring your own bottle/drinks with you to the opening. Also you can bring snacks with you to the venue).

Location: Aaltosali, (Väinönkatu 7, 40100 Jyväskylä)

At 23:00 forward Unofficial afterparty at Heidi’s Bier Bar

Location: Yliopistonkatu 36, 40100 Jyväskylä

SATURDAY 23.3.2024

At 9:30-13:45 Seminars

Location: Agora, Martti Ahtisaaren sali. Mattilanniemi 2, 40100 Jyväskylä.

At 11.00-16:00 Self paid activities

At 11-12 Excursion: Afry

Location: Piippukatu 11, 40100 Jyväskylä

At 12:00-16:00 Excursion: Natural History Museum of Central Finland

Location: Ihantolantie 5, 40100 Jyväskylä

At 14:00-17:00 Hangot out in Teerenpeli

Location:  Kauppakatu 32, 40100 Jyväskylä

At 17:00-22:00 BiTa-appros (Appro-passes will get checked out at Heidi’s Bier Bar)

At 22:00 ⮕ Afterparty at Heidi’s Bier Bar

At 22:00 ⮕ Shadowparty at Teerenpeli


SUNDAY 24.3.2024

At 12:00-16:00 Sillis (Bring your own bottle/drinks with you to the opening. Also you can bring snacks with you to the venue).

Location: Valorinne. Kyllöläntie 16, 40600 Jyväskylä